Not Geek….maybe Meek or Sleek or even eke

by Kazeem Olalekan   Assessing myself against the helpful geek chart below from the LinkedIn chaps confirms, alas, that I am no geek! I may be meek, sleek or even eke but I am no geek…which is a shame because I want to support the #GeekPrideDay. Time to get busy with determining what programming language to focus my complete attention on. I may well make a great geek yet! A tech geek perhaps, even a maker geek or a media geek. Probably not a Chic geek…that will be too difficult a leap.   What kind of geek are you? from Read more


What Programming Language?

The question of what programming language to learn first is undoubtedly a puzzle for most people (ref 1). It is for me too. I have over the years shallow dipped in Visual Basic and for more object oriented programming, I have swam with the shark that is C++/C#. I have dabbled in Java, Javascript and ASP. I never however, stayed in the water for long enough to speak the language of the sharks! I got in, do what I needed to do and just got out – just like that. Guess what? I now want to swim with the sharks Read more